Van2017 appoints new member of its staff: Jessica Carlot

Van2017 is pleased to welcome the newly appointed Sports Delivery Officer, Jessica Carlot, who has joined the team.

Jessica’s role is to assist the Sports Competition Managers (SCMs) and National Federations under the direction of the Van2017 Sports Delivery Supervisor Lilon Bongmatur and Van2017 Sports Manager William Worwor in creating sports delivery plans.

Her role also includes collecting information from SCMs for their volunteers and following up with sports training sessions run by the technical delegates from various sports, as well as collecting data needed for the preparation for the games schedules  and plans.

“The most important thing about being a Sports Delivery Officer is to be punctual as well as have organizational and communication skills - these are the most basic skills that our department relies on.

It’s all about team effort and being able to communicate back and forth prior to deadlines,” said Jessica.

Originally from Erakor Village, Jessica lives in Efate.

She started her primary education in the Solomon Islands then came back to Central School in Port Vila, later attending Hornby High School in New Zealand before attending Port Vila City College.

Jessica furthered her studies at three vocational institutions: in the Philippines - Power Skills Technical Centre where she studied graphic design;  Advanced Competencies Technological Manpower Academy (ACTMA) and Amable Mendoza Aguiluz (AMA) Computer College.

After completing her studies, Jessica joined the Electoral Office as an Assistant Data Compiler, later moving into the media industry at FM 107 as Accounts Clerk, before she became Reconciliation Officer at Bred Bank in Port Vila.

“Van2017 offers me the chance to give something back to the country and make a difference to the people,” said Jessica.

“It provides an opportunity to develop new skills or build on existing experience and knowledge, knowing that in a few years looking back at 2017, I can see we delivered a successful Games, as well as being present and part of the team at the first stage of the legacy plan.

“This is a chance for neighboring countries to witness how much we can accomplish regardless of our limited resources; a chance also for these countries to see how beautiful our country is and in turn boost our tourism industry.

“But its main impact is that other teams and countries will see how talented our sportsmen and women are and how far along we have come.”

Jessica is confident she will gain useful knowledge on the job as Sports Delivery Officer.

“I thrive on challenges and look forward to the endless possibilities with the experiences to be gained from working with the Van2017 Team.

“It has and will be an amazing journey, having met and networked with members of the team from various sectors, I am positive that whatever I pursue in the near future will have been from the impacts the Games have delivered.”

For Jessica it has already been an ‘awesome experience’.

“I have a clearer understanding of the sports that are taking part in the Games as well as the background work that is required.”