Malaria eradication

Global Fund grant of VT 29 million to support malaria elimination

MOH, the Government, including all the communities in the country have seen great impacts in the fight against malaria.

During a one-day dialogue, Acting Director General, Judith Melsul said there have been remarkable achievements over the past and current Global Fund Grants that the ministry has achieved.

One of which is the continuous downward trend of cases for the last 3 - 4 years back.

“Vanuatu has experienced drastic reductions in malaria incidence through concerted efforts guided by the National Malaria Strategic Plan (2015-2020) and earlier plans”

Malaria expected to be eradicated from Vanuatu by 2028

He told the recent Malaria Summit in London teams of malaria personnel have been distributing anti mosquito nets throughout the country.

He thanked donor countries for their contributions which he said had contributed to the elimination of malaria in most islands.

He said there had been no new reports of malaria since 2014.

Mr Salwai called for more a united effort saying small countries including Vanuatu can defeat malaria together.