Vanuatu school

The school that students built: hands-on learning in Vanuatu

Most students who study architecture probably don’t expect to find themselves wielding angle grinders and digging footings on building sites. But this year, a group of undergraduate architecture students travelled to Vanuatu to build a school for the people of Ohlen Freswind, a community squatting on the outskirts of the capital, Port Vila.

With support from University donors, students have designed the community’s first school and started building the foundations.

Vanuatu school closed because students seemed 'possessed' reopens

Port Quimie Junior Secondary School in south Epi cancelled all classes last week after some of its female students began behaving strangely.

The school principal Charley Tari told the paper the girls behaved in strange ways as if sick or possessed by spirits.

Mr Tari said all of the affected students have been sent home.

He said classes had resumed but many in the school were still fearful because it was not the first time it had happened.