Women employment empowerment

How this woman started her own company at 25

At 25, she started Samasource, which has helped more than 35,000 people develop new skills and find jobs that earn them a living wage. Sama — which means "equal" in Sanskrit — recruits and trains people to do digital work such as data management, content curation, and search engine optimization for clients like Google, Microsoft, eBay, and Walmart.

6 reasons why women are still not getting paid what they deserve

But despite these gains, we’re still our own worst enemies when it comes to money.

According to a recent report by the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, women who work full-time earn nearly $11,000 less per year than men, which adds up to almost half a million dollars over the course of a career. Women earn 79 percent of what a man earns.

10 Commandments For Women In Leadership

In 1977, the thesis became a book, The Managerial Woman:, The Survival Manual for Women in Business, which went on to become a best-seller (you can still buy it on Amazon), and its authors – the afore-referenced Margaret Hennig and classmate Anne Jardim – went on to speak and give training courses to women in management.