Presidential debate 2016: What Trump and Clinton didn't say

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump touched on many issues during their first televised debate.

From the Iraq War and global trade deals to police violence against African-Americans, cyber-hacking and tax policy, the two presidential candidates went back and forth over a heated 90 minutes.

But there were a few notable things that weren't mentioned.



As the candidates spoke, some 250,000 Syrians trapped in eastern Aleppo continued to be bombed by devastating air strikes that have been described as possible war crimes.

The US government has taken a leading role in criticising the Syrian government and its Russian backers over the strikes, but neither candidate mentioned it.

Only one segment of the debate - "securing America" - touched on foreign policy issues. With two debates to come, the Syrian war may well be raised.

Still, subjects including so-called Islamic State, the Iran nuclear deal and America's security partnerships did come up. The lack of attention to Syria could show that it's simply not seen as an important issue for most Americans.


Trump's wall

Despite being a signature policy that has attracted much attention during the primary season and election campaign, Donald Trump did not mention his plan to build a wall along the 1,900-plus mile US-Mexico border.

He has pledged to make Mexico pay $5 to $10 billion (£3.9 to £7.7 billion) for the wall if he becomes president.

In fact, despite immigration being a key campaign issue, especially for Mr Trump, it was only mentioned sparingly, with no substantive discussion between the candidates on immigration policy.



Many Republicans might have hoped Mr Trump would raise the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi in Libya while Mrs Clinton was secretary of state.

He has previously said that Ambassador Chris Stevens was "left helpless to die as Hillary Clinton soundly slept in her bed".

Mrs Clinton has said she takes responsibility for the attack. An 800-page report from House Republicans earlier this year found no evidence of wrongdoing on her part.

The only reference to Benghazi during the debate, oddly enough, came from Mrs Clinton. She defended her stamina by mentioning the 11 hours she spent testifying in front of a congressional committee about the incident.

Mr Trump later complained on Twitter that moderator Lester Holt had failed to raise it, though he could have done so himself.



Controversy around the Clinton Foundation has been a source of discomfort for Hillary Clinton's campaign and a springboard for Donald Trump to accuse her of corruption while secretary of state.

Mr Holt did not question her on it during the debate and Mr Trump did not raise it.

This was another issue the Republican candidate criticised Mr Holt for failing to bring up.

But the moderator did not ask Mr Trump about his own foundation's controversies or alleged fraud by Trump University.