Start treating gender violence as human issue: Sinapa

We should start treating Gender Based Violence as a human issue and not just a woman’s issue.

This has been stressed by Esmie Sinapa, Co-founder of Women Arise Movement PNG.

Sinapa aired this view point in a meeting on Thursday with various women groups, NGOs, government representatives, men and youth to address GBV as an epidemic in itself.

She emphasised that this requires a consensuses approach from everyone and called on government officials not to politicise the issue.

Other women leaders also expressed their views on how best to address the high rate of GBV in the country.

Following from the meet, the call for action are as follows:

1. NEC to endorse the National GBV Strategy currently before parliament before the end of 2016;
2. Parliament to declare GBV as a National emergency similar to PNG response to the Aids epidemic;
3. Establish a National GBV Council (similar to NAC) with a focused 10-20 year framework adequately resourced, who will be tasked to coordinate, implement and monitor the National GBV Strategy with huge focus on Prevention Approach of the strategy- understanding behavioural changes

A working committee (volunteers picked from this meeting) will be following up with the minister and Secretary of Community Development and NEC on the status of the National GBV Strategy and demand for action.

This will be presented during a march in Port Moresby next Friday, December 16.

Gloria Bauai