Vanuatu volleyball’s Serah Toto officiates at Arafura Games

One of Vanuatu’s long-time volleyball referees, Serah Toto will officiate at the 2019 Arafura Games currently underway in Darwin, Australia.

Toto of Penama Province was selected after she applied to be a part of the Games.

“To tell the truth, I feel very excited because I did not expect for this to happen, because there have been plenty of other big tournaments which had happened in Asia, Korea and other parts of the country that I did not felt like submitting an application to officiate during those past tournaments. But for this event I feel confident in officiating the matches and I am so happy for being accepted as an Official at the Arafura Games which is a very big honour," Toto said.

Toto said, “She is glad to have officiated some of the National Games in Vanuatu, especially Indoor Volleyball matches, but she has never had the experience to officiate indoor matches in another country.”

The Arafura Games is promoted as a unique, inclusive international multi-sport event, where the athletes with a disability compete in the same program as the able-bodied athletes.

Players from around the world compete in the week-long games held every two years in Darwin, in Australia's Northern Territory.

There are 17 sport disciplines scheduled including Athletics, Basketball, 3x3 Hustle, Badminton, Boxing, Beach Volleyball, Football (soccer), Indoor Volleyball, Muaythai, Netball, Sailing, Sepak Takraw, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, and Weightlifting.



Photo supplied. Caption: Vanuatu referee Serah Toto



Tensly Sumbe