Vanuatu Cricket hosts women in skills and physical activities programme

The Vanuatu Cricket Association hosted a physical programme and engaged women from various communities that are part of Women’s Island Cricket Programme.

The Australian Government through Pacific Sports Partnership programme funds the activities.

In a recent press release, it stated that the purpose of the programme is to give women in the communities the opportunity to learn different sets of life skills and enable them to experience different types of physical activities outside of cricket.

The VCA’s WICP officer, Lucien Tulangi said the programme will contribute to improving the lives of the women in the communities.

“The programme was successful because it has broadened the skillset of the participants which means that, they now have another ways to maintain and sustain their families financially and health wise.”

“It was also an important programme because the women were given the opportunity to learn new life skills. These skills could help them not just economically but also in other aspects of life and it encourages them to stay fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

“It is the VCA’s goal to ensure that we are developing our participants at every level because we want them to have sustainable and healthy lives. We hope that in doing that, they will in turn influence other members of their communities to do the same,” said Tulangi.

The programmes included, sewing lessons, painting lessons, aqua exercises, gym sessions and Zumba which were facilitated by Wan Smol Bag. The programmes were selected according to the common interests of the women who participate in the women’s island cricket program annually.