Justice David Cannings

Justin Parker allowed K10,000 bail

A three-man Supreme Court bench granted bail to Parker at K10,000 just before lunch-time today. The decision comes after two bail applications in the National Court were refused on June 6 and Sept 10, 2015.

Parker has spent 18 months remanded at Bomana since he surrendered to police in June 2015.

The court was satisfied he has spent reasonable time in custody since he was committed to stand trial in December 2015.

At the time bail was granted, Parker spent 12 months in remand after he was committed to stand trial.

Trial goes in favour of UPNG admin

The ruling came today after an hour trial was conducted at the Waigani National Human Rights Court by Justice David Cannings.

Justice Cannings, after hearing counsels’ submissions, ruled that the reaffirmation form issued by the university administration was to make students refrain from ‘illegal activities’ or detrimental activities and it was not capable of taking away any human rights of the student body.