Lifestyle Tips

How big sugar covered up health dangers

But why did it take so long for researchers to inspect this link?

new historical analysis published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine on Monday claims that the sugar industry sponsored research that cast doubt about sugar's health risks and promoted fat "as the dietary culprit" in heart disease -- and didn't disclose it.

Smell blong swet hemi affecktum yumi everiwan

Tumas swet – mo rabis smell – i no kat wan simpol solusen olsem gud hijin. Maybe body blong yu i kat tumas grease o maybe yu kat wan spesel condition. Samtaem, taem we yu dring coffee hemi contribute tu long smell blong body blong yu! 

Be 99% long taem we yu swet, wan deodorant hemi save solvem rabis smell kwiktaem. 

Mekem sua se bae yu jusum wan deodorant we bae hemi protektum yu, olsem NIVEA Invisible Clear blong Woman mo Invisible Power blong Man, tufala deodorant we oli protektum yu long 48 haoa.