
Muslim teen first to compete in hijab for Miss Minnesota

Halima Aden, 19, donned the traditional Islamic dress and full-body "burkini" during the event's swimsuit segment.

Ms Aden, who was born in Kenya and moved as a child to St Cloud, Minnesota, was one of the top 15 contestants in the two-day pageant.

She said she hopes her participation inspires other Muslim women to be confident about their identity.

Teen acquitted of Vanuatu murder

Ned Lowe, 18, was charged with the intentional homicide of his friend Roger Kamisak, 18, on Tanna Island in July 2015.

Vanuatu police alleged he beat Mr Kamisak with a piece of wood, stabbed him and ran him over with a car. His body was later found in a burned-out car.

The death sparked widespread disorder on Tanna Island, with the victim's friends and relatives allegedly behind two arsons that caused about $2 million damage to the Lowe family's resort, Tanna Lodge, sending the family into police protection.