Vanuatu can expect 1 to 3 tropical cyclones in 2017/18 season

Vanuatu is expected to experience between 1 to 3 Tropical Cyclones (TC) in the cyclone season which begins on Wednesday and runs until April 2018.

The Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-hazard Department (VMGD) is appealing to the public to prepare for the season.

Possible impacts coupled with current forecast for weak La Niña event can have adverse impacts (extreme rainfall periods and strong winds), on the livelihood of the public. 

The 2016-17 South Pacific tropical cyclone season (November to April) was the least active since 2011-12, and one of the quietest on record with only four cyclones occurring east of 160°E. Vanuatu experienced 2 tropical cyclones in the past season, TC Donna in May and TC Cook in April.  

Near normal to above normal rainfall is forecast for Vanuatu for the next three months.

This means more than 200mm of rainfall for the southern region ( Shefa and Tafea), and more than 400mm of rainfall for the northern region ( Malampa, Penama and Sanma ) with the exception of Samna expecting more than 1000mm of rainfall for the three month period ( November 2017 - January 2018).  

The tropical cyclone activity is at its peak in Vanuatu during the months of December to February but highest in January.

There is a higher probability of experiencing category 3 cyclone with a slight change of a category 4 system occurring this season based on selected analogs.  

The Met Department is urging communities to make sure that they are well prepared by taking appropriate action and staying up to date with the latest information from VMGD.

All communities should remain alert and vigilant at all times well prepared for severe events, as risk of tropical cyclone activities are expected to be within the near average range (2-3 TC’s).

People are advised to take heed of this information, and undertake preparedness actions for this season knowing that any tropical cyclone impact coupled with the current weak La Niña will have great effect on the socio-economic livelihood of people living in Vanuatu. 

The National Disaster Management Office is advising communities to prepare their cyclone response plan and cyclone safety kits ready for this cyclone season.

NDMO is also encouraging regular Community Disaster Committee meetings to inform all the community members and stakeholders for preparedness.