Shipping Industry

Warning shipping delay problems to continue this year

Digital supply chain experts project44 say average delays on shipping from China to Europe rose to 6 days in December, after falling for months.

Delays on routes from China to the west coast of the US have also been increasing steadily since October.

Congested ports and production delays have disrupted schedules for months.

"Delays are likely to continue well into 2022," project44 said, "as Covid breakouts continue throughout supply chains and consumers continue to buy at a healthy rate."

Huge Impact

Marshalls pushes shipping industry for carbon target

The Marshall Islands has one of the world's three biggest shipping registries, but is also one of the countries most vulnerable to the threat of sea-level rise created by global warming

Shipping and aviation are the only two sectors not covered by the 2015 UN Paris Agreement on climate change, which sought to limit the increase in temperature to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.