More than 40 RFMF, NDMO and FEMAT teams in Vanuatu following TC Judy and Kevin

More than 40 personnel from the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, National Disaster Management Office and FEMAT are currently in Vanuatu to assist the nation following the devastating impacts of Tropical Cyclone Judy and Kevin.

NDMO Fiji rep in Vanuatu Napolioni Boseiwaqa said they have met with Vanuatu Disaster Management Office where they explained the current situation and they have managed to set out their objectives.

He said they have also relayed the message of condolence from the Fijian Government.

Boseiwaqa added the RFMF troops will meet with the Joint Operation Centre while the Ministry of Health liaison officer has met with the Vanuatu medical team whereby they will be allocated clear tasks.

NDMO Vanuatu rep Jimmy Naura said the disaster has changed the shape of the islands and has thanked the Fiji Government for their support.

Team Fiji was the first country in the Melanesian Spearhead Group to arrive together with the Government of New Zealand, Australia and France.

MSG Secretariat Director General Leonard Louma has acknowledged their support.