Vanuatu cyclone victims thank Government for relief supplies

Communities in north-west Malekula, through their Area Administrator Jerryson Hosea, have thanked the Vanuatu Government and development partners for the relief supplies received after TC Harold.

They also commended the MALAMPA Provincial Council, Malampa Emergency Operation Centre (E0C), the technical advisory group members and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) such as Vanuatu Skills Partnership for delivering the supplies despite adverse weather and transport issues.

A total of 2, 633 bags of rice (18kg), 5, 531 cartons of 1.5litres of drinking water and 94, 837 canned food were distributed to affected communities in north-west Malekula including some villages in the north eastern part.

MALAMPA EOC Controller, Donald Pelam, said, “So far we have covered areas such as Malua Bay, Metkun and Sendoas. Communities within Lekan area such as Plamtvamak, Navabra, Aidavruk, Autabeb, Alnalar, Plukanvate, Plamu, Narhaias, Alnisi, Albarak, Botovro and Lerawo in northwest A.

“In North West B area, supplies were distributed to Unmet all the way to Wiawi and inland to Prehar.

“Distribution work is going on well and the distribution team to moving on to the North East area of Malekula.

“Vao mainland and Vao island also received their share of distribution supplies with the assistance of the Vao disaster committee and youth volunteers from the community. We expect to cover Atchin, Orap and Walarano this week,” Mr Pelam said.

According to feedback from different communities, the people are appreciative of the support from the government and donors to rebuild livelihoods after TC Harold.

MEOC Controller Mr Pelam applauded the combined effort of the PEOC cluster groupings particularly, the Food Security cluster led by the Provincial Agriculture department and other partners who have tirelessly put their efforts to distribute the relief supplies to communities affected by TC Harold.

“Without the efforts of everyone on the ground, we wouldn’t be able to do this work. I thank you all the Government Officers, NGO partners and volunteers,” he said.

Photo supplied Caption: Cartons of water and food items distributed in North West Malekula



Tensly Sumbe