
Vanuatu PM hands over credentials to two Aniwa Fisheries Officers

Prime Minister, Bob Loughman handed over credentials to Frank Seirongi and Sura Mabarao at the Aniwa Area Council headquarters.

The presentation took place when Loughman visited Aniwa aboard RVS Takuare Thursday.

Loughman congratulated the officers and reminded the communities to respect the two officers as they carry out their duties around the island.

“Bear in mind, just recently on Malekula, Police detained some individuals who were trying to fool around with the laws and regulation of this country,” he said.

Emergency supplies 'desperately needed' on Vanuatu's Aniwa

The government sent emergency supplies to the island this week, including 900 bags of rice and 2000 cartons of water.

The teacher, who has just returned to Port Villa after visiting his family on Aniwa, said there had been no rain for six months.

John Webster said hungry animals ransacked the few crops his family managed to grow.