Leadership Code

Invocation of Leadership Code Act against convicted politicians challenged in Appeals Court

A decision on that matter will be handed down next Friday.

Willie Jimmy and Silas Yatan through their lawyers had appealed against the invocation order saying it is unconstitutional and illegal.

Last year, Jimmy and Yatan were convicted of the offense of “corruption and bribery of officials” under section 73 of the Penal Code. 

Vanuatu Leadership Code test for 15 MPs

This follows an application by the public prosecutor's office late last month to invoke the provisions of the Leadership Code in connection with the recent convictions of the former MPs.

The Code says that if a breach is serious enough, the leader or leaders concerned may be dismissed from office.

Fourteen of the former MPs are serving jail terms, while Jimmy, who was not jailed, received a suspended prison sentence.



Vanuatu's Public Prosecutor confirms indemnity bid

16 MPs have been indicted over alleged bribery for breaches of both the Leadership Code and the Penal Code.

The MPs charged with bribery are mostly in government.

One of them, Finance Minister Willie Jimmy, pleaded guilty this week.

The Public Prosecutor's office says counsels representing some of the accused approached it recently seeking indemnity from prosecution under the Public Prosecutor Act.

After consideration in accordance with accepted procedures, no indemnity was granted to any of them.