Sexual assault claims

Former French ambassador to Vanuatu to face accusers

According to French radio, this has been arranged to happen at the French High Commission in Noumea.

Mr Judes was recalled to Paris in February after a senior New Caledonian businesswoman Cherifa Linossier made the first allegation.

The foreign ministry sacked him last month but he rejects the allegations, saying there may be a plot against him.

Cherifa Linossier said seven other women reported to her that they were also harassed by him.



Rapper Nelly: Police inquiry starts over sex assault claims

The attack is alleged to have happened after Nelly's show at the Cliffs Pavilion, Southend on 5 December.

An Essex Police spokesman said the force had started an investigation after a woman reported she had been "sexually assaulted".

He said: "Enquiries are ongoing." Nelly has denied the allegations.

Last month, the BBC reported Essex Police wanted to obtain a report from the unnamed woman after allegations of an assault were made in the US media.

Kevin Spacey: UK police investigate sexual assault claim

The Sun newspaper said a man, aged 23 at the time, made a complaint on Tuesday about the alleged incident in the London borough of Lambeth.

The Metropolitan Police confirmed that they are investigating an alleged assault on a man from 2008.

They would not confirm the allegation was made against House of Cards actor and double Oscar winner Spacey.

Spacey said on Thursday that he is seeking treatment after facing allegations of sexual misconduct from a string of men.

No arrests