Indigenous culture

Safeguarding indigenous architecture in Vanuatu

They also have an important functional role in Disaster Risk Reduction in rural areas. They are anecdotally known to have
been designed to withstand high winds and cyclonic conditions and are historically often described as hurricane shelters.

Without better protection and recognition, the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the nakamal is at risk of being lost due to:

Hopes research into Marshallese navigation will boost culture

Marshall Islands wave piloting is one of the navigation techniques featured in Professor John Huth's book 'The Lost Art of Finding Our Way'.

Professor Huth said his research found its use of ocean swells to navigate was extremely accurate.

He says he hopes further research will help revive Marshallese culture

"I almost have in my mind that we want to publish a wave piloting manual or something like that, that we could give back to the Marshallese to allow them to reclaim their heritage. Because I think it's a very rich heritage," Professor Huth said.