
Vanuatu Praem minista Tabimasmas I sendem mesej blong sori igo long Gavman mo pipol blong Fiji

Long mesej blong hem long wan leta igo long praem minister blong Fiji, Honorable Josiah Voreqe Bainimara, PM Salwai Tabimasmas I talem se Gavman m,o pipol blong Vanuatu oli sori bigwan taem oli harem ol ripot blong damej mo los blong laef  long Fiji taem cyclone I pas long Satedei 20 Februeri naet igo tru long Sandei moning long 21 Februeri.

Mesej ya I talem se Gavman mo pipol blong Vanuatu oli joinem hem long harem nogud ya from ol pija is some bigfala damaje tumas long ol haos mo naoia ripot blong hae namba blong ol ded.

Vanuatu and Pacific Community seal sustainable development collaboration

The agreement was signed today by Foreign Minister, Bruno Leingkon Tau, and the Pacific Community Director-General, Dr Colin Tukuitonga.

The development priority areas for Vanuatu outlined in the agreement include the productive sectors, including coastal fisheries, agriculture and forestry, as well as development statistics.

Winston forecast to have little effect on Vanuatu

Winston, now a category three, is currently about 370 kilometres east-northeast of Tanna and with winds as high as 155 kilometres an hour at its centre.

Tom Natick, from Vanuatu's Meteorological Service, said the eastern part of Tafea could expect some strong winds, heavy rain, and rough seas, but the cyclone did not pose any particular danger.

Vanuatu's human rights to be given UN review

The committee will review the country's progress in implementing the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, which it has ratified.

Vanuatu faces significant challenges meeting its commitments, being near the bottom of world rankings for measures including access to justice, equality in marriage and equal pay for equal work.

Vanuatu issues cyclone warning for Winston

Cyclone Winston was located about 345 kilometres east of Erromango and 325 kilometres northeast of Aneityum.

Winston is moving in a southerly direction at 9km/hr.

Winds close to the centre of the category three storm are estimated at 155 KM/HR.

Touchscreens - not just for phones any more

Giant touchscreen What To Do information kiosks have been rolled in resorts and hotels around Port Vila by Vanuatu Media Marketing Limited. VMM Ltd is the parent company of Trading Post Ltd, which owns this newspaper.

The touchscreens contain a variety of tourist information resources, including shopping, dining, tours and activities, essential tourist information and much more. And it’s all provided in an engaging, interactive multi-touch display that integrates multimedia, maps, online booking and more.

Arson attack destroys 14 houses on Vanuatu's Tanna

A source told the Daily Post Newspaper that what triggered the violence was the theft of a pig by a man from the village.

The source says the alleged attackers ensured the men were feeling the effects of kava and would not respond to the arson.

The source says while no one died all items of value were destroyed, including animals, fruit and sandalwood trees.

Police have arrested 15 people while the victims are being housed in another village.

Consul asks parents not to worry about children’s safety

This is as a result of the civil war in Syria and possible terrorist attack on Turkish soil.

He points out that Turkey shares a common border with Syria and since the start of the uprising in 2011, 2,500,000 Syrians have crossed the border to seek safety in his country.

On the other hand he says terrorist attacks can take place in any country including England and France. “As far as I know, terrorism is a global problem”, he says.

Vanuatu PM Salwai appoints new parliamentary secretaries

At the Prime Minister’s Office yesterday afternoon, three extra appointments for parliamentary positions were added to the only one that was created previously.

UMP MPs join government… only one remains in Opposition

Yesterday afternoon outside the Office of the Prime minister – overlooking Port Vila Harbour, government members and supporters gathered to witness the re-signing of a memorandum of agreement sealing the ties between the coalition partners.

Ten leaders of the parties were on hand to demonstrate in public they mean business.
