World No Tobacco Day

Vanuatu commemorates ‘World No Tobacco Day’ campaign

The ministry is using the initiative to support the global campaign for “World No Tobacco Day”.

“Tobacco is also damaging our water, soil, beaches and city streets with chemicals, toxic waste, cigarette butts, including microplastics, and e-cigarette waste,” the MOH said.

“The harmful impact of the tobacco industry on the environment is vast and growing, adding unnecessary pressure to our planet’s already scarce resources and fragile ecosystems.”

2021 World No Tobacco Day: Commit to Quit

It is on this day that governments, non-governmental organizations, and communities join to raise awareness about the harmful tobacco use and the benefits of quitting, for individuals, communities, government, and country.

Want to be killed by tobacco?

Take a moment today on World No Tobacco Day to reflect on health problems that tobacco use can cause.

Tobacco use is still one of main factors behind the global non-communicable disease crises.

Highlighted in the Tobacco Free Pacific 2025, tobacco use is the major cause of preventable premature death in many Pacific islands.